To: Subject: alioth deprecation notice Comrades! tldr: alioth will go away at some point. A replacement git service is being worked on. has served us for a long time, having been launched over a decade ago, but unfortunately its time is coming to an end. There is nobody around who is able and willing to maintain the gforge component of the current deployment, and the environment it is running on is still running Debian wheezy and nobody dares to change that. Accordingly, will go away in the not too distant future. We met this last weekend [sprint] in Hamburg, Germany, to discuss and also to actively work on a way forward. Alioth currently is providing several services to the Debian development community as a whole. The most relevant of these clearly are git hosting and mailinglists. = Git hosting = As such, we started experimenting with a replacement git service. The service - - is currently in an experimental phase and is expected to be able to accomodate all Debian related activities in need of git hosting. Expect future mails about this service on a communications channel near you. = Mailinglists = We also considering the future of mailinglists currently hosted on alioth. It is expected that discussion and user-support lists would be welcome on Furthermore, the notification features of modern SCV hosting platforms - such as the upcoming - will make many of the historically relevant commit mailinglists obsolete. A third big set of lists appear to be addresses to be used as Maintainer: in packages. It seems that these really aren't classic mailinglists (which would be suitable for, and that they are instead more like simple aliases, with few members each, to keep track of incoming bug reports, uploads, etc. concerning a package. Maybe a service such as would be a replacement for individuals to get notified about things concerning packages they care about? = Other services = Alioth also provides more services, but it is not clear who, if anybody, is going to offer publicly and generally available replacements for any of these. We suggest users of other version control systems move to git once one (or more) git hosting services are available. If your team is not able to migrate for some reason or another, we suggest you get in touch so we can assist you in finding a replacement for alioth. [sprint]