summary of last year, and progress ================================== single tool with published central config cloud-init built on central debian machines, published out testing needed how to find images other architectures (security) rebuilds (containers) agenda for this year ==================== move to casulana - Sledge test suite - serpent FAI building images for platforms - MrFai cloud-init - Ben user management / Debian SSO - luca group photo and keysigning - zobel, Monday lunchtime additional items for background work ==================================== filesystem layout / more customisable images reproducibility SDK and CLI tools / update frequency for tools governance secure boot Debian CDN cloud-init ========== * Current maintenance status: - only one maintainer (zigo). - Please list yourself if you want to contribute. - Ben Howard volunteers( - See if Charles Plessy still wants to work on it (send him a mail). * Currently maintained on collab-maint, shall we move it to another place? * Currently using git-dpm, switch to plain gbp / gbp pq? * cloud-init in stable adding contrib & non-free repos in /etc/apt/sources.list at boot time. Difficulties getting update on Stretch to fix this "feature": who volunteer to convince the release team? * cloud-init sprint happened; zach will send a link to the notes to our debian-cloud list Testing of images ================= * There's scripts for OpenStack (ie: functional testing through tempest), but it needs hardware to live on. I (zigo) don't have any hardware available anymore, and need someone to sponsor it. Example of scenario in OpenStack: Steps: 1. Create image 2. Create keypair 3. Boot instance with keypair and get list of instances 4. Create volume and show list of volumes 5. Attach volume to instance and getlist of volumes 6. Add IP to instance 7. Create and add security group to instance 8. Check SSH connection to instance 9. Reboot instance 10. Check SSH connection to instance after reboot * What needs to be tested is the testing image, because that's the one that may fail (see last updates of cloud-init with broken path for udevadm and modprobe). * Initial scripts, in Python * Work only for AWS * Official AWS tests (manual work ATM): - start image, check sysctl and `ps ax`, stop image * Credativ, for Azure - similar to above * DigitalOcean - battery of tests. But "Debian just works" Cloud Image locator =================== -> Martin Berends wrote a PoC during DC17 - Ubuntu Code is already open-sourced (