* Group Photo (when everyone is here) * Introductions [status report] * how is Debian running on each platform? * what needs addressing? * current tools we have and what is already deployed: * what guest/SDK code isn't in Debian yet, how can we get there? * Supporting those packages * what isn't built with FAI yet, how can we get there? [infrastructure and tools] * Automatic CI builds via salsa * Locations for building and publishing * Providing images for download + Image finder etc. * Image automatic uploader service (aka: uploading OpenStack images to public clouds automatically, or at least triggers) * Development images published automatically [governance] * Debian Cloud Delegates & Debian Cloud Team * see https://pad.riseup.net/p/c3diy3YjctvZ * Handling of cloud accounts including permissions and ownership * AWS Account ownership (currently owned by JEB, (needs|should really) to be SPI) * GCP Account * AZU Account (to coin an acronym) [software development lifecycle] * Testing (progress update) * Reviews of changes * branches etc. * Workflows for builds, particularly security rebuilds * compare/contrast/merge to get the best practice for everybody [image contents and support] * Needed properties inside cloud images * Buster release -- Changes that matter to us? What do we need to do to prepare? * Cloud kernel images * and grub-cloud package? * Support for non-x86 architectures * UEFI Secure Boot * LTS in the cloud vs. elsewhere + deprecating older images etc. * Images with newer (backports) kernels * Multiple variants of images? (e.g. minimal vs including vendor integrations) * cloud-init