These are mostly what the current OpenStack image supports (apart from Hybrid), and which we probably want to see within the published images. * cloud-init with this list of metadata sources in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg: - datasource_list: [ NoCloud, ConfigDrive, OpenNebula, Azure, AltCloud, OVF, MAAS, GCE, OpenStack, CloudSigma, SmartOS, Ec2, CloudStack, None ] * Support amd64 + arm64 * Must resize itself (partition + resize of the fs) * password or ssh key defined, cloud-init does it * tty + ttyS0 for: - grub (please fill...) - systemd .service unit printing (aka: systemd.show_status=true) - getty consoles as per * Latest kernel installed, a single cloud kernel. * No unattended-upgrades * Single kernel installed after securty updates * Set console for emergency and rescue shells (ie: emergency.service rescue.service) Nice to have: * Hybrid BIOS + EFI (grub-cloud does that...)