TO DO: AppstreamQt integration: (by priority) *DONE* - renamed Asmara to AppstreamQt *DONE* - package installation *DONE/not commited* - sorting by project group - sorting by kind - getting screens and description from Appstream as well - icon stuff *low priority* - il18 stuff for Appstream *FIXED*Initial muon Package *FIXED*Apt-listbugs integration Remove distupgradechecker script, find another solution Every two weeks new package. *CRITICAL BUG* If install/update process is forciby stopped, Muon does not dpkg reconfigure General Bugs *FIXED* Bundled check-language support script pack with Muon *FIXED* Unit-tests failing at build time *FIXED*Fix kdesudo use in some parts of the app (add repos in muon-discover) *FIXED*Create releasechecker script *sSOLVED*Fix the usage of a specific backend tool, try to generalize. (i.e. adding repos is done with apt) *FIXED* ^^ onto it, now it is very easy to do via the KAuth helper Priority of backends: /* Aleix said that PackageKit should not be installed at the same time with qapt */ Possible solution (example priority file): 1. ApplicationBackend | PackageKit 2. KNSBackend 3. KNSComics(stuff) Where 1.2.3. are the order of load and backend1 | backend2 specifies that if backend1 isValid(), backend2 should not start. This way, multiple backend can be loaded at the same time, while maintaining stability. distupgradechecker script //in Debian there is no such thing and is not recomended to do automatically //might cause instability Muon-Discover Bugs If not autenticated, the app will remain with installing status on the status bar *FIXED*Does not show apps from apt backend *FIXED*Configure-Sources Button makes the app freeze *FIXED*Add-Remove repo *FIXED*When removing repo, the model does update, but the checkboxes do not update. *INTENDED*Removing repo is just commenting out the lines in sources.list. Intended? After install or run app from muon, packages suddenly change on the main page ^^happens sometimes //multiple backends bugs Still tries to load PackageKit (but is invalid so it doesn't), when having both qapt and PK2 ^^ This seems to be the only problem between backends ^^ ^^ They DO work together, but PK backend isn't threaded so it makes the app hang untill load Muon-Updater Bugs *FIXED itself when upgrading Jessie* Weird messages on start: //multiple backends bugs Can't initialize Muon backend no PackageKit Support? Muon-Installer Bugs *FIXED*Does not show all apps, some categories are empty //multiple backends bugs *PARTIAL*Starting PackageKit instead of ApplicationBackend