= GCC5 and KDE internal tracker/notepad/whatever = Feel free to remove once the gcc5 transition ends. Tracker: http://freak.gnuservers.com.ar/~maxy/share/gcc5-track_kde.html should update once an hour, ignores hurd During DebConf check https://titanpad.com/debconf15-gcc5-effort kwidgetsaddons: done qtzeitgeist: needs binNMU qt-assistant-compat: done qmf: FTBFS, first part addressed, needs more work (will update if nobody beats me) Starting to update KF5 5.13, only layer one for know: extra-cmake-modules uploaded ki18n uploaded kcoreaddons uploaded kidletime uploaded kddnsd uploaded kwindowsystem kitemviews Pending: attica kapidox karchive kcodecs kconfig kdbusaddons kguiaddons kimageformats kitemmodels kplotting kwidgetsaddons modemmanager-qt networkmanager-qt solid sonnet threadweaver libbluedevil needs binNMU qt-gstreamer ()