** Licensing issues in packages ** kdesdk - kde-emacs/kde-emacs-tips.texi (GFDL + invariant sections): - bug (Debian): #695701 - contributors: - David Faure -- ACK (GFDL 1.3 + NO invariants) - Zack Rusin -- ACK (GFDL 1.3 + NO invariants) - Frederik Schwarzer -- ACK (GFDL 1.3 + NO invariants) - FIXED for 4.11: - commit 01594f21f602e09f87ccd2a83f42c80db7aca585 in kde-dev-scripts - sysadmin@kde.org has all the ACK emails - add_trace.pl ("pizzaware"): - contributors: - David Faure -- ACK (BSD-2-clause) - Thorsten Staerk -- ACK (BSD-2-clause) - Laurent Montel -- ACK (BSD-2-clause) - FIXED FOR 4.11: - commit ea2acdadb97f743ab1de60fdfb043fe3e6a04345 in kde-dev-scripts - sysadmin@kde.org has all the ACK emails qt4-x11 - bug (Debian): #685132 - Contains RFCs. QTBUG-30544, resolved as not for Qt (the license suits them, but not us). ./tests/auto/networkselftest/rfc3252.txt ./tests/auto/qtextstream/rfc3261.txt ./tests/auto/qnetworkreply/rfc3252.txt ./tests/auto/qftp/rfc3252.txt ./tests/auto/q3urloperator/copy.res/rfc3252.txt ./tests/auto/qbytearray/rfc3252.txt ./tests/auto/qhttp/webserver/rfc3252.txt ./tests/auto/qhttp/rfc3252.txt ./src/3rdparty/zlib/doc/rfc1951.txt ./src/3rdparty/zlib/doc/rfc1950.txt ./src/3rdparty/zlib/doc/rfc1952.txt qtbase-opensource-src (Qt 5 base) - Contains RFCs. QTBUG-30544, resolved as not for Qt (the license suits them, but not us). ./tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/rfc3252.txt ./tests/auto/network/access/qftp/rfc3252.txt ./tests/auto/corelib/io/qtextstream/rfc3261.txt ./tests/auto/corelib/tools/qbytearray/rfc3252.txt ./src/3rdparty/zlib/doc/rfc1951.txt ./src/3rdparty/zlib/doc/rfc1950.txt ./src/3rdparty/zlib/doc/rfc1952.txt - Test files for network stuff are made of RFCs. We can't run these test because they would require network access in the buildds, but the files must be removed non the less. QTBUG-30544. tests/manual/network_stresstest/qtest/bigfile tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/bigfile tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/resource