jovie requires the Kspeechd provided by kde4libs 4.12 kate requires the codecompletionmodel.h provided by kde4libs 4.12 (Why is it duplicated?) cantor adds a new backend python2 "knut" aka akonandi-xml4 was moved from kdepim-runtime to kdepimlibs: - New binary package "libakonadi-xml4", breaks replaces kdepim-runtime (<< 4:4.12.0) kdepim-runtime has a new akonadi migration agent, and a gid migrator oO kbattleship binary was renamed to knavalbattle (which is the name of the project) - Add a transtional package kdepimlibs builds akonaditest only with KDE4_BUILD_TESTS, but then akonaditest is used in other packages tests. :/ kdegraphics-mobipocket is now a library "qmobipocket" with a public API: - Split it in lib -dev and kdegraphics-mobipocket nepomuk-core depends on "qmobipocket". okular build depends on kexiv2 and the new qmobipocket, fun marble libmarblewidgets bump its soversion to 17 affected packages: kdeplasma-addons digikam calligra New upstream package libkomparediff2, a split of kompare, was it too big? kopete depends (optionally) on kleopatra (kdepim) for cryptography, we haven't packaged kleopatra's dev (mostly because kleopatra sucks). More languages gone: fa tg libkdcraw, no more embedded libraw, bump soversion to 23: affected packages: kphotoalbum kdegraphics-thumbnailers digikam calligra future: - kate plugins, and pykde4. kate has a public interface that we are not packaging, not sure how many not packaged apps are out there, it might be worth it. Also it has a plugins interface in python that uses pykde4, since kate is a leaf package in the kde-sc source tree it could build depend on pykde4, but on the binary level there are already some ugly dependencies between katepart kdelibs-plugins kde-runtime adding pykde to the mix. fedora packagers splitted the kate source package to avoid the circular dependencies, it should be worth to check it out. - kstars adds support for AstrometryNet (optional) libs: ok. pim_libs: ok. rebuild installing akonaditest multimedia: ok. base_artwork: ok. base_apps: - rebuild kate with kde4libs 4.12 ok. accessible: ok. games: - rebuild kajongg with autopkgtest - rebuild picmi with autopkgtest - rebuild knavalbattle, now with the binary package renamed + do we need a transition package? ok. runtime: ok. graphics_mobipocket / qmobipocket: ok. edu: cantor: ok. blinken kalzium kanagram: ok. ktouch kturtle kwordquiz libkdeedu: ok. kbruch kgeography kig kiten kmplot: ok. kstars: ok. analitza: ok. kalgebra: - requires qtwebkit ok. pairs rocs step: ok. parley: ok. marble: ok. meta-kde: - Bump devLatest:Version to 4:4.12 - Replace kbattleship with knavalbattle ok. workspace: - Needs a kdepim-runtime that doesn't conflict with kdepimlibs, wait for it - kde latest depends on kde-workspace-dev 4:4.12, that's not gonna work. ok. pim-runtime: - Tests need akonaditest, wait for it ok. pim: - It's a bit of a mess, it might be worth to relocate some files. Kubuntu splited some commands in different packages, that could work. Also, I a bit concerned about the mobile packages, if they can use the agents inside kmail and such they'll need a bigger installation than the non-mobile packages? - The autotest need kdepim-runtime, so, let's wait for it. - kde latest depends on nepomuk-widgets 4:4.12, which haven't changed since 4:4.11.5, wait for a new meta-kde. - kleopatra wants out, and kopete is calling for it. ok. graphics: gwenview kamera kgamma kolourpaint kruler: ok. ksnapshot libkexiv2 libkipi libksane: ok. okular: ok. sdk: cervisia dolphin-plugins kcachegrind kdesdk-kioslaves: ok. lokalize umbrello: ok. libkomparediff2: ok. kapptemplate: ok. okteta: ok. kdesdk-thumbnailers: ok. kde-dev-utils: ok kde-dev-scripts kompare: ok. artwork: ok. bindings: pykde4 smokegen smokeqt: ok. kross-interpreters: ok. webdev: ok. admin: kcron ksystemlog kuser: ok. utils: kwallet: ok. ark filelight kcalc kcharselect kdf: ok. kfloppy kremotecontrol ktimer print-manager: ok. kgpg: ok. superkaramba sweeper: ok. network: kdnssd: ok. kopete: - No kleopatra support ok. kget: - need to install kde-workpace ok. kdenetwork-filesharing: ok. kppp krdc krfb: ok. plasma_addons: - need to install kde-workspace ok. toys: kteatime ktux: ok. l10n: ok. TODO: kde-workspace: symbols and libkwingles issues PENDING marble: The lib expects the plugin dir existance, it should check if it exists knavalbattle: Add transitional kbattleship package. PENDING kdepimlibs: (akonadi-xml4) Remove akonadi2xml binary, rename the xsd to martch the library NEW libkomparediff2: rephrase descriptions PENDING calligra 2.8.2: affected by marble and kdcraw soversion bumps PENDING 4.12.4: # pre akonadi 1.12.0-1 -> experimental, update symbols libindi -> NEW, update symbols libiodbc2 3.52.8-3 -> transition, waiting green light plasma-nm -> autotransition, waiting rom of libmm-qt from !linux # upload to unstable directly klettres 4:4.11.3-2 kde-workspace 4:4.11.8-1 bovo 4:4.11.3-2 kfourinline 4:4.11.3-2 kblackbox 4:4.11.3-2 kbounce 4:4.11.3-2 kdesdk-strigi-analyzers 4:4.11.3-2 poxml 4:4.11.3-2 kcolorchooser 4:4.11.3-2 kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer 4:4.11.3-2 ksaneplugin 4:4.11.3-2 svgpart 4:4.11.3-2 qtruby 4:4.11.3-3 smokekde 4:4.11.3-2 kdegraphics-thumbnailers 4:4.11.3-2 kdenetwork-strigi-analyzers 4:4.11.3-2 libnm-qt korundum 4:4.11.3-3 # request transition # layer 0 meta-kde 5:84 kde4libs 4:4.12.4-1 # layer 1 nepomuk-core 4:4.12.4-1 libkomparediff2 4:4.12.2-2 kross-interpreters 4:4.12.2-2 # layer 2 kactivities 4:4.12.4-1 # layer 3 kdepimlibs 4:4.12.4-1 analitza 4:4.12.2-2 kde-baseapps 4:4.12.4-1 kate 4:4.12.4-1 kanagram 4:4.12.4-1 khangman 4:4.12.4-1 kiten 4:4.12.4-1 ktouch 4:4.12.4-1 marble 4:4.12.4-1 pairs 4:4.12.4-1 parley 4:4.12.4-1 rocs 4:4.12.4-1 juk 4:4.12.4-1 audiocd-kio 4:4.12.4-1 libkdegames 4:4.12.4-1 kaccessible 4:4.12.2-2 kmousetool 4:4.12.2-1 kmouth 4:4.12.4-1 kde-wallpapers 4:4.12.4-1 oxygen-icons 4:4.12.4-1 # layer 4 konsole 4:4.12.4-1 cantor 4:4.12.4-1 kalgebra 4:4.12.4-1 kwordquiz 4:4.12.2-2 dolphin-plugins 4:4.12.4-1 bomber 4:4.12.4-1 granatier 4:4.12.4-1 libkmahjongg 4:4.12.4-1 kapman 4:4.12.4-1 katomic 4:4.12.4-1 kblocks 4:4.12.4-1 kbreakout 4:4.12.4-1 kdiamond 4:4.12.4-1 klickety 4:4.12.4-1 kmines 4:4.12.4-1 knavalbattle 4:4.12.4-1 knetwalk 4:4.12.4-1 kolf 4:4.12.4-1 kollision 4:4.12.4-1 kpat 4:4.12.4-1 kreversi 4:4.12.4-1 ksirk 4:4.12.4-1 ksnakeduel 4:4.12.4-1 ksudoku 4:4.12.4-1 ktuberling 4:4.12.4-1 lskat 4:4.12.4-1 palapeli 4:4.12.4-1 picmi 4:4.12.4-1 kapptemplate 4:4.12.4-1 kcachegrind 4:4.12.4-1 kdesdk-thumbnailers 4:4.12.4-1 lokalize 4:4.12.4-1 okteta 4:4.12.4-1 umbrello 4:4.12.4-1 kamera 4:4.12.2-2 libkdcraw 4:4.12.3-2 kdepim 4:4.12.4-1 kde-runtime 4:4.12.4-1 # layer 5 amor 4:4.12.4-1 kteatime 4:4.12.4-1 ark 4:4.12.4-1 kgpg 4:4.12.4-1 kwallet 4:4.12.4-1 kajongg 4:4.12.4-1 kopete 4:4.12.4-1 krdc 4:4.12.4-1 kdnssd 4:4.12.2-2 kdepim-runtime 4:4.12.4-1 # layer 6 okular 4:4.12.4-1 # layer 7 kdeartwork 4:4.12.4-1 kdeplasma-addons 4:4.12.4-1