Perl 5.18 transition ==================== Packages that have 5.18 in d/changelog *and* a debian/patches directory ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please mark with a "*" the packages you're working on. * [no 5.18-specific patches] libalien-sdl-perl * [pinged, popcon:6, rdeps:libanyevent-memcached-perl:] libanyevent-connection-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libapache2-mod-perl2 * [pinged, popcon: 80, no rdeps] libapache-authznetldap-perl * [no 5.18-specific patches] libapp-nopaste-perl * [pinged, popcon:600] libauthen-krb5-admin-perl * [pinged, popcon:14, no rdeps] libbio-primerdesigner-perl * [pinged, popcon:1, no rdeps] libcatalyst-action-serialize-data-serializer-perl * [pinged, popcon:5, no rdeps] libcgi-application-plugin-ajaxupload-perl * [no 5.18-specific patches] libcgi-pm-perl * [no 5.18-specific patches] libclass-insideout-perl * [no 5.18-specific patches] libconfig-general-perl * [pinged, popcon:840, rbdep: bioperl] libconvert-binary-c-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libcrypt-blowfish-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libcss-dom-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libdbi-perl * [poked upstream] libeval-context-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libexporter-declare-perl * [poked upstream] libgd-securityimage-perl * libgit-pureperl-perl: poked upstream, no rev-dep, popcon=6 [remove?] * [no 5.18 patch] libhtml-template-pro-perl * [poked upstream] libhtml-widget-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libhttp-proxy-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libimager-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libje-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libkiokudb-perl * [poked upstream] liblatex-encode-perl * [no 5.18 patch] liblog-report-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libmath-symbolic-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libmodule-cpants-analyse-perl * libmoosex-attributehelpers-perl: deprecated, so upstream won't take the patch. 2 rev-deps, each <20 popcon [remove?] * [poked upstream] libnetsds-util-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libpadwalker-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libpar-packer-perl * [patches Debian-specific functionality only] libparse-debcontrol-perl * [no patches] libpath-dispatcher-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libpdf-api2-perl * libperl-critic-perl: forwarded RT bug to Github, poked them there. * [no 5.18 patch] libpod-pom-perl * [no 5.18 patch] librdf-query-perl * [not in the archive, looks like it won't ever be] libscrappy-perl * [nothing 5.18 specific in there] libsoap-lite-perl * [no patches] libspreadsheet-writeexcel-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libtest-warn-perl * [poked upstream] libuniversal-can-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libwww-finger-perl * [no 5.18 patch] libyaml-syck-perl (desc contains: This module is considered deprecated.) * [patch taken upstream, needs upstream release] mail-spf-perl * [fixed upstream, needs upload] xacobeo -> done revdeps for packages with rc bugs ================================= get-flash-videos [popcon:1200] [dam has a patch fixing the FTBFS] libnet-irc-perl [popcon: 386] libscalar-number-perl [popcon: 107] libhtml-wikiconverter-moinmoin-perl [popcon:100] libembperl-perl [popcon:92] libregexp-grammars-perl [popcon: 38] libmodule-packaged-perl [popcon: 32] libtext-mediawikiformat-perl [popcon: 31] libgraph-writer-graphviz-perl [popcon:30] libmath-algebra-symbols-perl [popcon: 27] libscriptalicious-perl [popcon: 26] libthread-queue-any-perl [popcon: 25] libhtml-template-dumper-perl [popcon:16] libimdb-film-perl [popcon:13] libgearman-client-async-perl [popcon:12] libnet-dri-perl [popcon: 10] librdf-helper-perl [popcon: 9] libmagpie-perl [popcon: 6] libjifty-plugin-comment-perl [popcon:5] libjifty-plugin-wikitoolbar-perl [popcon: 5] libdevel-bt-perl [popcon:4] libjifty-plugin-chart-perl [popcon:3] libjifty-plugin-oauth-perl [popcon: 3]