minutes: alexm, Tincho, dam, gregoa regrets: ntyni, carnil, XTaran - update launchpad subscriptions - update OpenTasks page - ping alioth project members (todo) - check packages in git where maintainer != group - ping maintainers for missing tag pushes - collect ideas around PET + possible handling of watch problems at https://paste.debian.net/132848/ + add patch to PET git + PET updated, hoping for the best - moved pkg-perl-tools to standard post-receive hook - write a proposal for the pkg-perl sprint next year (todo by alexm) + accomodation: near city center vs. near meeting venue + meeting venue: upc.edu (not in city center) vs. somewhere near city center + meeting needs: wifi, power outlets, blackboards, coffee, sugar, water, etc. next LHF meeting: 2014-12-21 22:00 UTC cf. http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/pkg-perl.ics