Participants ============ skainz, gregoa, alexm, carnil & axhn (waving to the room) Work done ========= Package updates --------------- * libarchive-extract-perl * libcpanplus-perl * libdbd-xbase-perl * libdbix-class-inflatecolumn-serializer-perl * libhttp-async-perl * libhttp-oai-perl (only in git) * libjson-validator-perl * libmodern-perl-perl * libmojolicious-perl * libmoosex-attribute-chained-perl * libmoosex-types-common-perl * libmoox-types-mooselike-numeric-perl * libmouse-perl * libref-util-perl * libshell-perl-perl * libtest-routine-perl (only in git) * libtext-xslate-perl * libtie-cycle-perl * libwww-mechanize-formfiller-perl Debian Perl Sprint ------------------ * May 27 weekend is the current prospective date for the event * Update sent to debian-perl Man URL in website docs ----------------------- * Use official service for man URLs Core packages and stretch ------------------------- * Discussion about uploading pkg-perl-tools and dh-make-perl Bug investigation ----------------- * #784545 libfile-mimeinfo-perl