Participants ============ present: knowledgejunkie, nodens, utkarsh, yadd hellos/waves from: axhn regrets from: gregoa Work done ========= - Preparing BoF report (draft ready for review, will send in a couple days) - Friendly ping about policy change on embedded modules in inc/ - Reported #935364 on debhelper: dh_clean doesn't print info about files listed in debian/clean being removed, even with DH_VERBOSE​. Might be minor, will look into proposing a patch if there is interest [nodens] - Closed #630123 (utkarsh2102) - Closed #692181 (utkarsh2102) - Reported missing metacpan release page for libextutils-f77-perl to #pdl in irc - Reported missing metacpan release page for libhtml-format-perl to #pdl in irc - Updated watch file URL for libzonemaster-perl New upstream versions ===================== - libgraphics-colornames-www-perl - 1.14 (200th package upload from utkarsh! ;) - libclass-method-modifiers-perl - 2.13-1 (pending review for R^3 and M-A hints) - libtask-kensho-perl - 0.40-3 (fixes dep on liblog-dispatch-perl, see below) uscan failure investigations ============================ - libclass-forward-perl seems to be abandoned upstream: it is not visibile on CPAN or METACPAN (causing errors when checking for new versions), and the upstream repository has been deleted. There are no rdeps. Is this an RM candidate? - liblog-dispatch-perl-perl seems to be abandoned upstream: it is not visibile on CPAN or METACPAN (causing errors when checking for new versions), and no upstream repository has been declared. *NOTE* libtask-kensho-logging-perl incorrectly depended on this package instead of liblog-dispatch-perl, which I have corrected in a new 0.40-3 release of libtask-kensho-perl. There are no further rdeps once Task::Kensho is uploaded. Is the package an RM candidate? - The upstream libxray-scattering-perl library is now an integral part of the author's Demeter analysis software (, hence the failing d/watch checks for newer versions on the author's old website. Demeter is the supported replacement for the old Horae software (which is still available in Debian and is an rdep of libxray-scattering-perl). - The upstream libxray-spacegroup-perl library is now an integral part of the author's Demeter analysis software (, hence the failing d/watch checks for newer versions on the author's old website. There are no rdeps for libxray-spacegroup-perl. - The upstream libxray-absorption-perl library is now an integral part of the author's Demeter analysis software (, hence the failing d/watch checks for newer versions on the author's old website. Demeter is the supported replacement for the old Horae software (which is still avaialable in Debian and is an rdep of libxray-absorption-perl). - libnet-cisco-mse-rest-perl is still available online but have still not added any releases/versions to their repository - libuniversal-exports-perl has disappeared from CPAN/METACPAN - Zonemaster (libzonemaster-perl) has been renamed upstream to Zonemaster::Engine as of version 2.0.0. The old watch file was therefore failing to find the current upstream release, so the URL in the watch file has been updated. Howevere, due to the upstream rename, should the package be renamed to reflect this change? - The libconfig-methodproxy-perl distribution has been renamed upstream to Data::MethodProxy. The old distribution will be removed in due course. An RFP/ITP of libdata-methodproxy-perl seems necessary in order to permit the current version of libmoox-buildargs perl to be packaged. - libalt-base-perl has disappeared from CPAN/METACPAN (probably similar case with other SHARYANTO distributions with failed d/watch checks Discussions =========== - Different way to handle the embedded modules in inc/ to avoid using them during build or test: - override dh_auto_configure to move inc away and dh_auto_clean to put it back - remove inc/ (or inc/ in debian/clean (this will add noise from dpkg-source about missing files) - use File-Excluded (you need a +ds in the version then. Uscan can help (use dversionmangle=auto): ``` version=4 opts="dversionmangle=auto,repacksuffix=+ds" https://<…> ``` This is easier than the old way using regex: `dversionmangle=s/[\+~](debian|dfsg|ds|deb)(\.)?(\d+)?$//` - Utkarsh: Started a discussion (mostly with myself on the channel) about #924022. - That is something I can work on maybe in the next LHF? - But the question is, do we want to work on this?