Daily administration of the XMPP service and new features development * puppet is slow but gives confidence to DSA * should we change puppet by something easier for everybody (ansible, sh scripts, Makefile) * salsa is a hard requirement[1], IMHO, for anything new we do * we need more things from DSA * #8257 To allow the debvoip team to directly modify prosody config files for faster development of features * d.o setup is more complex than most of the team have experience with it, going through puppet and dsa to deploy a new feature is no fun * we need a dedicated team user (debvoip-bot?) to perform actions from salsa and run cronjobs instead of my account * we debvoip or a subset of the team needs to be able to switch (under some circumstances) to `prosody` so we can retrieve account information * if we decide we need this, we need to ask to DSA as a group instead of myself only. [1] we can keep the secret anti-spam sauce outside salsa and drive the deploy from gitlab-ci