Categories ========== 1. missing file a. try to read from lib/ or ext/ a1: grep -R "Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - lib/" */log a2: grep -R "require.*/lib/.*(LoadError)" fail-*/log a3: grep -R "^LoadError" fail-*/log b. use a file not installed in the correct path c. missing directory, config or log file (probably should be merged with b.) d. missing (build)dependency 2. test failures a. tests using files in lib/ b. encoding errors c. tests if it's installed on a specific path 3. strange failures a. most likely caused by 'test/unit and minitest 5 are not compatible' -> b. segmentation faults -> grep -R "Segmentation fault" fail-*/log 4. unsatisfiable dependencies -> grep -R "ERROR: unexpected error: test dependencies are unsatisfiable" fail-*/log Packages ======== 1. missing file a1. asciidoctor (uses upstream Rakefile to run tests) ruby-github-markup ruby-literati a2. foodcritic ruby-aggregate -> grep -R "require.*lib/.*(LoadError)" fail-*/log ruby-ascii85 <- should be fixed ruby-colored ruby-colorize ruby-columnize ruby-connection-pool ruby-contest ruby-delorean ruby-dust ruby-em-redis ruby-em-synchrony -> grep -R "require.*lib/.*(LoadError)" fail-*/log ruby-expression-parser ruby-faraday ruby-fast-stemmer ruby-ffi-rzmq-core ruby-ffi-rzmq ruby-hiredis ruby-imagesize ruby-innate ruby-jnunemaker-matchy ruby-jwt ruby-liquid <- should be fixed ruby-messagebus-api ruby-method-source ruby-multipart-parser ruby-ntlm ruby-packable ruby-paint ruby-pdf-core ruby-peach <- should be fixed ruby-rack-flash3 ruby-rash ruby-ref ruby-rqrcode ruby-sawyer ruby-shindo ruby-six ruby-source-map ruby-systemu ruby-timers ruby-vegas ruby-zip-zip a3. pry ruby-kramdown (misses ruby-prawn-table) ruby-pygments.rb ruby-wikicloth b. spork (assets/bootstrap should be installed in a directory with a different relative path) ruby-handlebars-assets (/usr/lib/ruby/vendor/assets/javascripts/handlebars.js) ruby-bacon c. ruby-activeldap (RuntimeError: config file for testing doesn't exist: /tmp/adt-run.UdPdwW/build.3IH/ruby-activeldap-4.0.3/test/config.yaml) ruby-celluloid (No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /tmp/adt-run.9mPytF/build.o32/ruby-celluloid-0.15.2/log/test.log (Errno::ENOENT)) ruby-curb (/tmp/adt-run.OdCRCx/build.S6d/ruby-curb-0.8.5/tests/../ext/curb_easy.c) ruby-kpeg (/tmp/adt-run.Iy1FLD/build.Shf/ruby-kpeg-1.0.0/lib/kpeg/format_parser.kpeg) ruby-listen (No such file or directory @ realpath_rec - /tmp/adt-run.CIPvxO/build.PbH/ruby-listen-2.4.0/lib) ruby-mysql2 (No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - spec/configuration.yml (Errno::ENOENT)) d. ruby-database-cleaner (Could not find 'mysql' (~> 2.9) - did find: [mysql-2.8.2]) ruby-rgen (nokogiri) ruby-serverspec (rspec/its) 2. failing tests coquelicot jekyll puppet roodi ruby-activerecord-nulldb-adapter ruby-albino ruby-dataobjects-mysql (can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock') ruby-em-hiredis (cannot connect to Redis server) ruby-em-socksify ruby-gon ruby-hiera ruby-hitimes (path problem) ruby-mini-magick ruby-net-irc (Connection reset by peer) ruby-rabl-rails ruby-redis (cannot connect to Redis server) ruby-redis-namespace (cannot connect to Redis server) ruby-specinfra ruby-test-unit ruby-treetop (fixed with 1.4.15-1 upload) ruby-zip a. ruby-backports ruby-bogus ruby-flexmock (./lib/flexmock/version.rb) ruby-gettext (lib/gettext/po_parser.rb) ruby-mathml (cannot load such file -- lib/math_ml) ruby-progressbar (checks rb_file_s_size - lib/progressbar.rb) ruby-rspec-core (a test tries to add lib/ to the loadpath) ruby-rspec-mocks (checks if a call is made from a file in lib/) ruby-ruby2ruby ruby-uglifier b. ruby-stringex c. ruby-gelf ruby-inline ruby-mocha (Expected /\/lib\/$/ to match "/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/".) 3. strange failures nanoc ruby-strong-parameters ruby-bdb (No such file or directory @ dir_initialize - tmp (Errno::ENOENT)) ruby-gir-ffi (Don't know how to build task 'test:gobjectintrospection') ruby-pkg-config (mkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby at /usr/lib/ruby/include/ruby.h) ruby-mpi (orte_init failed) ruby-opengl (failed to open display '') ruby-rjb (bridge file not found (RuntimeError)) ruby-remcached (ERROR: testbed failed: timed out on command) a. ruby-bootstrap-sass ruby-state-machine b. ruby-moneta (some loaderrors + Segmentation fault at 0x000000000000d9) ruby-ogginfo (Segmentation fault (core dumped)) ruby-patron (Segmentation fault at 0x0000024473a018) 4. unsatisfiable dependencies chef-server-api ruby-asset-sync ruby-carrierwave ruby-fixture-builder ruby-i18n-inflector-rails ruby-markerb ruby-simple-navigation ruby-yaml-db Unclassified packages ===================== :)