Debian i18n Sprint 2012 ======================= Report from the Debian i18n Sprint ---------------------------------- From June 15th until 17th, IRILL hosted the Debian i18n Sprint, seven people were present. These are the minutes, results and notes from our work, it is a brief description but hopefully complete of what we have done and what is still missing/pending. We would like to thank IRILL for hosting us and providing food and drink. In addition, our thanks to the many donors[0] whose contributions have permitted the project to subsidize transportation and lodging. New machines ------------ Thanks to DSA Team we now have two virtual machine: * hosting * hosting Work done --------- Converting SVN to git. Removing old CVS repository. 1st day * Decision - Use scripts, eventually prepared packages - Keep i18n.d.n in parallel with i18n.d.o - Reorganize repositories, add scripts not under version control, expand documentation, improve what exists * Configured machines - email, mirrors, SSH and sudo accesses Future plans ------------