Keyservers: * sync * cryptographic keyservers ** SKS is great but written in ocaml so it is not easy to hack ** Adding more crypto verification to the keyservers ** onak contains code that we might be able to break out into a C library Use cases we can streamline? * new key generation * one-to-one keysigning * ksps? new implementations? * * * RFP for netpgp but it has licensing issues * other libraries call GPG and try to parse it (python, etc) divergence from upstream (gpg, sks, etc)? * let's not diverge from upstream inasmuch as we can avoid it. * even if you set the preferences to use strong hashes upstream program doesn't do it (if you have an existing weak self sig) keyring-maint best practices to recommend? * Strong signatures (What is strong? - Not MD5 or SHA1 as signature hash type) ** caff defaults (?) and others like Seahorse defaults (currently 2048 RSA, SHA-224) ** taking away the weak hashes means our strong set reduces to 154 from 965 (reachable 243 vs 1051). ** Need HOWTO on "fixing" weak signatures *** or auditing scripts? *** inspect key signature strength: *** Can do this on self sig (except on subkeys) * Offline primary key (why?) * lsign before caff? Encryption Strength Equivalency Table[1][2] =================================================== Symmetric Key Size | RSA Key Size | Hash =================================================== 80-bit symmetric key | 1024-bit RSA key | SHA-1 112-bit symmetric key | 2048-bit RSA key | SHA-224 128-bit symmetric key | 3072-bit RSA key | SHA-256 192-bit symmetric key | 7680-bit RSA key | SHA-384 256-bit symmetric key | 15360-bit RSA key | SHA-512 =================================================== [1] (pages 63-64) [2] Uses of the "web of trust" * Monkeysphere Badly-needed tools? * OpenPGP lint KSP * key signining parties are complicated after a certain number of peoples because the level of experience is very different. * refuse signing keys? :( * Add fake keys to keep the people on their toes. * KSP issues are different from regular keysigning * Mobile phones might change the way keysigning is done in the long run but that is debatable * Starting KSP with some information about keysigning hygiene?