Principles ---------- - avoid repetition - make it easy to update - heavily inter-linked - a reference - lesson learnt collection - review and revalidation (eg, in new-member-time) - openness (all documentation should be readable by everyone - does any documentation have to be private?) How to interact with the security team ------ - As a vulnerability reporter - public issues - private issues (embargo) - As a maintainer - DSA vulnerability - SPU vulnerability - Just unstable - As an upstream - document how to contact when embargoed issues arise Organization ------ - Communications channel - Specify public/private ; internal/external - What each list is for: debian-security@do seems to be redirected to debian-private@ldo team@security.d.o (and more) - consolidate lists? (which are needed?; explicit names, e.g. -public/-private) - RT? (incoming queue for non encrypted mails) - Contributors: Members of the security-testing alioth project, the "tracker" - Assistants: Members of the private list, no access to private key - Members: "core" members - How to become a member. - What kind of work you can do with each grant - Who is on which internal upstream security list? (e.g. kernel, mozilla) Workflow Overview ------- - Terminlogy: DSA, SPU, embargo, etc... - The Security Tracker - General high level view of "narrative introduction" - What happens after an upload of a package to chopin: DSA, buildds, proposed-updates ... (where to find logs, how to remove bad uploads, ...) How to interact with the Security Tracker ------- - A more structured version of "Narrative Introduction" - How to contribute to the security tracker code (Florian) (including how to install a test instance) Release a DSA ------- - A more structured version of the current wiki pages Internal (?) processes ------- - Front desk: what needs to be done - Private queue in RT - "Special" packages - CVE ids pool: when to use, how to ask more ids - "Resolutions", "Announces"? like the Amazon CDN for security.d.o (bits from the security team) - Access to private key - Access to upstream bug trackers What do we have -------- - narrative introduction - some wiki pages - teams page - some (hidden) documentation in repo - section about security in developer's reference - Securing Debian Manual (harden-doc) -> linked in the main page? - update it