Continuous Fundraising in Debian -------------------------------- * so many students are good, but leave Debian after uni * better ecosystem * (a different part of) HP is trying to re-engage azeem proposal * Create a fundation to gather regular, annual donations from companies * bgupta thinks it's likely too be a too big administrative burden, needs hired people zack: * yearly fundraising for Debian as a whole + yearly fundraising for Debconf * some companies want to "just" sponsor debian, some want to also sponsor Debconf, e.g. to have presence at the event feivel: * a fundation isn't that much work * the wording is interesting as a common point of contact, something companies know lucas: * two discussions: * * merging fundraising between debian and debconf * * fundraising * local debian sponsoring * we have to talk to a couple more companies ideas: - have a Debian advisory board (membership could be a benefit for sponsors) (see GNOME adboard) no need to wait for second part (advisory part) before we do the first part (continuous fundraising) meskes: Do we want to treat all companies equal or different depending on their size? Do we want different levels depending on how many DDs they have lucas: who is interested in actually doing the work? debian-companies: list is dead, we should add companies on it mailing list: lucas: yearly BoF: Meet our sponsors hlieberman: better contact for companies, debian-liason summary: meskes: we start something like "ACME foudnation", allow companies to become a partner to sponsor yearly either money or hardware. companies would be willing to pay more to become a Debian sponsor than just DebConf sponsors zack: let's start with sponsors meskes: if you have a DD, you are a partner, not a sponsor hlieberman: companies could contribute via related works: gnome foundation, linaro DC15: think about migration plan