*Wiki page should have two bigs sections that answer to these two questions: ** I want to do make my own derivative. What should I do? ** Once I have my own derivative how do I contribute back to Debian? Feel free to rearrange current sections into subsections of these two questions. And also feel free to find more addecuate questions because I'm not very sure of them myself. Somehow I find that some of the current sections might be issues that have to be thought before a new derivative is built. And the other ones during the building process and also while maintaining the new distro. * Random review bits ** Infrastructure. The bit about mention and define relationship with Debian seems not a part of this section. ** Infrastructure. Point me to a wiki page where 'the software that powers Debian insfrastructure' is summarised. ** Repositories. 'where possible we encourage them to use standard Debian mirrors' ... 'If you are copying Debian source packages to your repositories' . This is not right. Either the full wiki is addressed to the Derivate developer target public (second sentence) or it is addressed to the Debian Developer target public (first sentence) ** Repositories. There should be a link to page on how to make or maintain a custom repository ** Keyrings. Again. Link to page where how to create a custom keyring is explained. ** Releases. Debian freeze ? Regular Release testing ? Debian release cycle ? What's all this stuff about ? Don't assume the derivative knows all the Debian intrinsec details. Please add a link to each of these definitions. ** Releases. Suite names. Codenames. Release names. Link to their definitions. ** Old packages. What is an old package ? A package that you no longer use in your distribution ? Or is it never installed ? Please explain or link to definition. ** ongoing should be fixed into "Ongoing" or "On going" ? ** De-/Re-branding / (Entry points | Artwork). Either provide tools for making these changes easier. Or provide links to howtos with examples of these changes. Maybe links to git commits ? ** Packages . This section name is duplicated ! Please fusion both of them. ** Packages . Provide links to howtos or git commit examples for both of the explanations. Also a link to a more general howto about on how to build Debian packages. ** Bug reports. This is very complex. Needs to be split into subsections: Introduction, Recommendation based on your modifications, Reportbug explantion, What to do when forwarding bugs to Debian. ** Popularity Contest. Links on howto on how to ensure variables randomnes. ** Popularity Contest. The explanation after "In case your derivative has a large..." is very bad. I mean. You should take a common subject and use it. I.e. popcon version. *** If your version is 1.58 or later... bla bla .... and so on. *** And if there are suboptions to one configuration possibility you should ident them so that it's clear. *** Basically you read the text and you have to read it three times till you understand if you are affected or not by a given paragraph. ** Contributions. "have your code changes integrated into Debian" is very important for you. Isn't it ? Then please put a link to a page where that is explained or even to a section in this own wiki page. Add also a link to your Donations page. ** See also. Add an explanation or title for each of the pages you are linking with only its url.