Salvaging packages ================== State of the problem: * Discussion at DC12 * Mailing list discussions in fall 2012 * Bug against developers-reference (before that…) * Here we are… Acceptable criterias for package salvation ------------------------------------------ (Not decided, ideas so far) - Blocking migrations - Has RC bugs - Maintainer informed of hijack intent - $n time waited, no answer - No uploads since $n years while uploads would have been needed - Per-package MIA - Upload as-is to ftp-master would now be rejected, for example because it fails some important lintian check Experienced procedures ---------------------- - Done for wine and cups: - Start with progressively invasive NMUs, upload to DELAYED/10 - In absence of "active resistance" and after "enough" time, add oneself to Uploaders, "Team upload" References ---------- Hijacking^W^W^W^W^W^WSalvaging packages for fun and profit: A proposal: - [PROPOSAL v2] Orphaning another maintainer's packages: - proposal (lucas): ----------------- The prospective maintainer sends a mail to debian-qa@, Ccing current maintainers, stating its intend to take over the maintenance, and demonstrating that: - the package is not currently adequately maintained by its maintainer (giving examples: NMU, RC bugs, etc.) - the prospective maintainer will be able to adequately maintain it (e.g. has done NMUs before) For the salvaging process to move forward, the following condition must be met: "two DDs seconded the salvaging" AND "no DD opposed the salvaging (possibly inc. the maintainer)" AND "two weeks have passed since the last seconding" Cons: - Administrative burden - Burden of "proof that someone else sucks" publically Pros: - Clear path for 'insecure' maintainers proposal (Diziet) ----------------- 1. Say in dev ref: if you have done 4 NMUs of a package(define timely manner?), you should probably be adding yourself to Maintainers. This should be done in a DELAYED upload. Provide hints for unconfident people to help them know they're doing the right thing. 2. For new-upstream-version, change of build system, etc.: current NMU guidelines make this hard. Provide objective guidelines which permit such NMUs. E.g. "get rid of cdbs" goal, or "new upstream version but no bug report about it" or some such. 3. Require NMUers to read debian/README.sources (already in dev-ref?) Ideas: ------ - Given you're an DD, get another DD sponsor the salvaging upload - (lucas) use Diziet + advise to ask for feedback on -qa@ to increase confidence Action points: -------------- * Diziet: Mail to the devref bug with a proposal, CC -project