two user databases - alioth & debian accounts with no overlap. alioth uses -guest for others. 1 person 1 or more debian account names and 1 or more alioth account names. nominated onces can be disabled. currently use DACS, stateless. cookies store user details and do not expire logout is important but also hard. Federated cookies - need to visit every site to actuate the logout. configuration is weird and problematic. No official mapping between alioth account name and GnuPG name. Login with Alioth credentials, cannot tell who you are. Only implemented on sites as those are under DSA control. Any DD can create a site - could also sponsor for anyone to host entry. Hard to control federation with Need for something else. has the login screen. cleartext passwords. all others get a transfer of credentials from sso is the only machine with access to the LDAP of and the postgresql database of alioth. also acts as OAuth2 for summit but the OAuth2 protocol is unusable. Very little provider side code for OAuth2 - having a Debian OAuth2 provider does not provide access to useful sites - those use facebook or google providers for OAuth2. Current OAuth2 is unmaintained for Debian usage. Must not widen attack surface of cleartext passwords. Problem with other server-side alternatives is maintenance. e.g. shibboleth (see ?) DACS is maintained by those who need it, not those who want to develop it. Problem of providing identity and allowing users into a service. the service decides what is to be trusted identity within Debian is currently OAuth2 and DACS. Objective is a single place to enter passwords Authentication, not authorisation (IPv6 only) One simpler alternative: Client SSL/TLS Certificates Issued by using LDAP behind the scenes - simple button interface Needs support in the browser Import / exchange between browsers - need separate logins on sso. certificate will contain the username and token Depends on the target audience Fails on internet explorer chrome has deprecated implementation (for HTML tag ?) but will replace with script. also use openssl and do the work yourself. some maintenance work required Certificate expiry needs to be resolved. sso shows which other certificates are in use - click on which to revoke one certificate per profile Users who have passwords in browser have the same security as the certificate itself. control the server side completely instead of problems of DACS single page to detect DD vs Alioth user. most of the clients should be stateless. certificate will not have an email address no use for email, attributes not set. minimal abilities embedded in the certificate. Also WedID: See Also Mozilla Persona (deprecated by mozilla ?) Only used by Mozilla interesting : the ID of people is looking like an email (easy to remember)