gobby.debian.org debconf16/bof/wafer

== Abstract ==

DebConf16 tried wafer, a different Conference management system. What mistakes
did we make in trying to support DebConf on wafer. Do we want to re-architect
things? What are the next steps?

This is not intended to be a discussion about whether we want to keep using
wafer or something else. That's a separate BoF for a broader audience.

== Notes ==

* Key Value (KV) for registration SUUUUUCKS for queries. No useful indecies.
  No admin. Just bleh.
* GFKs are more generic than what madduck wanted with his implementation, but
  they come with form and admin form magic in django-contrib.
* One benefit of KV: no post-rego-open changes to database

Buy a domain / create a homepage for wafer. Get the Google juice flowing.

* 1:N registration
* Possible idea: let records be created en masse, or by anyone, but send a
  token to the registered email address which allows the person to take over
  ownership of the record (after creating their own account)

Template overriding? https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-apptemplates/

Schedule slots — slots could not be combined if they weren't exactly end-to-end
(i.e. included 5–10 minute pause). Neilm suggests our attendees should be able
to figure out for themselves that some time is needed to change rooms.
Cate thinks it might be better to get rid of slots altogether.

Features wishlist:
* ICS feed
* RSS feed
* Page creation without admin
* Blog-posty pages (checkbox ("tag") on existing pages, or aggregate another RSS
* Menu ordering

Registration form: divergent opinions, but confusing to people not familiar
with e.g. DebConf stuff ("what are bursaries?" etc.). Upstream is purposely
kept simple, maybe the solution is to override auth.user/UserProfile. Teams
like front desk, bursaries etc. could also just write their own models.

Wafer devinstall notes: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Wafer/DevInstall

== stefanor's cursor is down here ==