# Debian Design team BoF 2017-08-06 * Design culture in Debian * Welcome new designers into Debian - both users and developers * Debian used for design work * Find and package design-related FLOSS tools * Maintain a blend optimized for designers to use * Assets * Find and package existing Free design assets * Maintain a platform for creating and curating Free design assets * Locate and/or author documentation of designing assets using Free tools * Streamlining * Improve designability during package installation * Improve design in Debian * Points brought up during intro round * Relate accessibility to design and vice versa * Translations (not Debian specific) * Improve the communication Way-of-working (don't limit to e-mail and IRC) but also Web forums and modern communciation channels * Design stability (escaping the upgrade treadmill / users not wanting to to learn UIs because they'll change anyway) * needs for a design paradigm can go away, and so will the blends or interfaces * forking blends as a nursery for design ideas where experimentation is freeer and can later be upstreamed into main * gather ideas / problem statements to be passed on to upstreams rather than implementing solutions ourselves * don't implement stuff in Debian which are upstream issues * language barrier in Debian contribution (eg. NM process; also cultural differences (mailing lists and IRC vs forum and social network)) * solicit input from non-developers whose understanding of how software works is different from that of technical users * Thoughts: * Where are design issues located? - widget toolkits (GTK-X, Qt-Y, ...) (i.e. 5 different printer dialogs on the same desktop) - widget theming - desktop/application theming - icon theming - login managers, greeters (normal theming of login managers is not directly related to the corresponding desktop's theming) to - CMS / Website python-typing imagemagick-6.q16 librsvg2-bin python-typing imagemagick-6.q16 librsvg2-bin etc. theming - general artwork (like current desktop-base package) -> grub bootloader, plymouth, backgrounds - default key bindings * What of the above can we address in Debian directly (without or with only a little upstreaming)? - general artwork - pick a certain theme per desktop and per widget toolkit make things look similar, do this for all desktops available in Debian -> i.e. choose a combination of existing design patters) - patch style sheet files for CMS / Website packages - modify gsettings schema files (some define fonts, colors, etc. that are to be used) - patch design related settings in packages that present itself visually (or otherwise) * Who can do what? Designers: - provide/recommend combinations of themes (that already exist in Debian or outside Debian) - recommend a console color theme - integrate those combinations of fonts, colors, themes, etc. into one or more "design" packages - ensure the blend evolves to continue to meet the use case, stability alone will cause stagnation. Underlying apps will always go stale. Packagers: - package themes recommended by "the designers" - integrate hooks into to-be-themed packages that pick up "design information" from the designers and patch upstream's defaults "somehow" Upstream Devs (hopefully): - accept patches from packagers that ease design modifications on the downstream side What we can not or hardly do as distro maintainers? * Fixing the 5 different printing dialogs is probably tricky... (and all similar issues regarding to different technologies used for programming desktop and such) ## Resources * infinote://gobby.debian.org/debconf17/bof/design * https://wiki.debian.org/Design * https://collab.debian.net/