enrico: There is a whole “ecosystem” around becoming a new member, ways to get to know preople. It's doable when you are the advocate, as you know the person, but it does not scale. That's where AM come in. noodles: Enrico mentionned “conversation”, and it's important: it's not an interview, and all applicants should go through. enrico: If it's an interview, it's one with unlimited time and Internet access at your disposal. jmw: It's quite important we farmed this out to many people, if it was only the same 3 people we would soon start taking shortcuts noodles: AM flag for language compatibility may help for people who don't speak english as first language Other discussions about English in Free Software: - https://lwn.net/Articles/761490/ - http://blog.liw.fi/posts/2018/08/03/on_requiring_english_in_a_free_software_project/