AGENDA ====== Welcome, who's here? -------------------- * Introduce yourself if you like Attendees: carnil¹, dam¹, fourdollars, gregoa¹, intrigeri, jidanni², nodens, ntyni¹, rhonda, Takatsugu Nokubi, xguimard¹ ¹ remote, ² part-time Questions --------- jidanni regularly experiences issues when dist-upgrading his sid+experimental system with Perl packages that cannot be upgraded. ntyni replies "unfortunately it's not feasible to have all the 600 or so arch:any packages rebuilt in experimental at the same time. Sorry." That's because transitions to new major versions of perl are prepared in experimental, bugs identified and fixed there, before everything gets uploaded to sid and the transition to testing is triggered. Sprints ------- * Hamburg: Very productive but more people would have been nice. * DebCamp: Ditto. Helped motivate at least one person to do some work from home even if it was difficult (timezone, other commitments). * Look forward: plans for next year There will be another miniDebConf in Hamburg: June 5-9. A separate sprint would be fine too. Low-hanging fruit sessions -------------------------- * Look back on 2017/18 - 21st of each month, alternating between 17:00 UTC and 19:00 UTC - 10 happened, 2 cancelled (vs. 8:2 in 2015/2016, 11:2 in 2016/17) - 3.0 participants on average (vs. 6.25 in 2015/2016, 5.72 in 2016/17) 17:00 3.0, 19:00 3.0 - 12 unique persons (vs. 14 in 2015/2016, 20 in 2016/17) - between 1 and 8 times, 2.5 on average (vs. 1-8, avg 3.64 in 2015/16, 1-11, avg 3.1 in 2016/17) - topics: + packaging: new upstream releases, adopt packages, bug fixes, autopkgtest + QA across packages: perl5.26.1, hardening, R³, perl5.27.11, perl5.28.0{-RC*}, Vcs-Svn + team QA: inactive maintainers, documentation, pkg-perl-tools + discussions: alioth → salsa, R³, vcswatch * Look forward on 2018/19 Do we want to continue? If yes, how? → people seem to be OK with the current scheduling (21st, alternating time 17:00/19:00 UTC) Team status ----------- * commit stats for last year: committer-stats (scripts.git) - 62 persons with at least one commit in the last 365 days (vs. 58 in 2014/2015, 56 in 2015/2016, 54 in 2016/17) - 19 people with > 100 commits (vs. 11 in 2014/2015, 14 in 2015/2016, 13 in 2016/17) * ping inactive members: Not a topic this year due to the Alioth → Salsa move, during which we added only the currently active team members (plus DDs) to the Salsa group. Perl 5.28 --------- transition bug rebuild logs and rebuilt packages/repo coordination * ~3000 reverse dependencies of perl test rebuilt continuously since the sprint in May * Only two known blockers left (in uwsgi and collectd) * No archive-wide rebuild yet due to lack of resources (disk space) on Would Debian sponsorship help? → need to ask Dom. * ntyni is inclined to go ahead anyway once the known bugs are fixed; no objection to that raised during the BoF. This could happen in a couple of weeks: the blockers have fixes/workarounds. Depends on the release team. Migration alioth → salsa ------------------------ Look back, and: What's left to do, if anything? tracker.d.o is in good track to support the use cases we miss the most from PET :) Please try dpt-new-upstream in pkg-perl-tools.git :) fsfs's script to cleanup local repos may still be tied to alioth: it removes repos from your harddisk which are removed from alioth (for RM'd packages). OTOH it may optimize mr(1) runtime / disk space usage by just a few % so some attendees are not excited at the idea of spending time on it. /* Update afterwards: The script is clean-mr-repos, and it still works fine (after some small changes I already made back in March). Sorry for the false alarm. -- gregoa */ Is it possible to turn off project creation via the web interface? (That creates unconfigured projects that don't fit in our workflow.) → ACTION: nodens will check. Projects for next time, items for discussion -------------------------------------------- We might have to migrate our mailing list at some point, when the Alioth ML continuation project stops. It will be painful to change the Maintainer field in all our packages in any case. How to motivate more people to run autopkgtests before uploading? → Ask them why they don't use them?