PKG WebExt BoF

DC18 Hsinchu, 31th July 2018
Room: Alishan (阿里山)

What to do within pkg-webext?

Where should the packaged AddOns be collected on Salsa?
main Salsa group is or
use for legacy stuff

What special circumstances/common rules are needed and need some attention?
- Prevent the usage of postinst script where ever possible, all things should
  be done while packaging.
- solve bug report #890392 (please add file in /etc/chromium.d to load extensions)

How to organize user rights within the Salsa group(s)?
Should every DD have permissions of 'Owner" and guests are 'Developer'?
Gives the possibility to process access requests more quickly.

How to improve the packaging of Mozilla AddOns within Debian?
We have xul_ext and dh_webext, where should we go?
The future is webextension, all webextension based packages should use this helper.

What is the best practice to package Mozilla and Chromium Webextensins AddOns?
We need to ensure extensions are usable for both browsers Chromium and FF e.g.

What to do with with the existing Mozilla specific sites in the Debian wiki?
We need a central place to collect all the stuff which is useful or needed to
create packages.