== Topics == 1. Discuss about the description of the "essential" part of the travel bursary request at - The room isn't against including visa costs in bursaries, but no final decision. - We need to clearly define "travel expenses" in the documentation for next year. - Bid team should declare visa submission dates, so that we can time bursaries around them. - Track visa status in Registration? Esp for attendance that is dependant on a visa. - DLange offers to help with writeup with visa documentation. 2. Perhaps explain SPI and bursaries vs grant vs travel expense pay-outs 3. Documentation. Documentation for bursaries admin is currently really bad. So far the following people are planning on improving this after DebConf for the next bursaries cycle, some topics that need to be documented have been added on - the following people plan to work on improving bursary documentation after debconf, please add your name if you want to help: - highvoltage - adrianac - eamanu - squeeze info out of olasd - tumbleweed We can help you with access to scripts and their basic working, and also get you access to the wafertest instance. 3.5. Any volunteers for debconf admin shadowing? - 4. Diversity budget - might need an updated approach. - "Contributor" ranking has a somewhat uniform and documented scale - Diversity ranking has no strong guidance and the results end up being random - or at least very non-uniform (which is not *obviously* a bad thing, but leaves the people doing the ranking in the dark). 5. Split out 'essential' people to their own line items (e.g. video team, local orga, next year orga, etc), kick them out of bursaries!!!! Yes please. Issues: - creates more work on other teams (not going to work on all teams unfortunately) - who decides who gets this money? -> team gets a budget, figures it out amongst themselves - needs global teams to get their budgeting together early - budgeting for next year's team's sponsorship: can't really put it in DebConf n+1 budget because that doesn't exist yet. - what about having local team attend sprints of other teams (or meet other DebConf global team members) during the year. countries with more than 2 attendees: Brazil 295 (213) 28 (23) United States of America 23 (23) Germany 15 (15) United Kingdom 12 (12) India 10 (7) Argentina 8 (7) France 8 (8) Israel 5 (4) Russia 5 (5) Taiwan 5 (5) 5 (4) Canada 4 (4) Japan 4 (4) South Africa 4 (3) Switzerland 3 (3) Finland 3 (2) Hungary 3 (3) Poland 3 (3)