* ORGANIZING LOCAL TEAMS: IDEAS AND EXPERIENCES Outline levels are formatted with asterisks. '*' is level 1, etc. Savable as an org-mode file. ** Concepts *** venue *** convenor *** agenda *** topics *** norms *** formal vs informal *** medium ** Examples from Similar Groups ** meal-time free-software social meet-up group *** offline (meetings in the pandemic before-times) **** venue **** convenor **** agenda **** topics **** norms **** formal vs informal **** medium *** online (pandemic meetings) **** venue **** convenor **** agenda **** topics **** norms **** formal vs informal **** medium * REFERENCES ** https://debconf20.debconf.org/talks/50-local-teams/ (video) https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/data/dc20-online/-/raw/master/etherpads/txt/50-local-teams.txt ** irc: ** https://salsa.debian.org/Delib/communications_training/-/wikis/Organizing-Offline-Meetings---Brainstorm